Officers & Chairs
February 2023 - Elections

Capital Bears 2023 Open Positions
February 2023 Elections
Sunday February 12, 2023
Pride Center
11:00 a.m. - Capital Bears 2023 Elections and Planning Meeting
The Capital Bears will be holding elections for Vice President, Treasurer, Social Officer and Social Media Chair.
We have 4 positions open for this general election for various terms.
Vice President - 2 Year Terms are for February 2023 to Elections in February 2025.
Treasurer - 2 Year Terms are for February 2023 to Elections in February 2024.
Social Officer - 2 Year Terms are for February 2023 to Elections in February 2024.
Secretary - (vacant) 2 Year Terms are for February 2022 to Elections in February 2024. Since this is a vacant position, a successful candidate would need to re-run in February of 2024.
- To Qualify^- You must be a Representative Member of the Capital Bears and have attended 4 Planning Meetings since July 2022.
By Laws - 2 Year Term
Social Media Admin Chair - 2 year term
Capital Pride Chair - 2 Year Term (filling a now vacant position)
Bear Necessities Co-Chair - 2 Year Term
Pride Sports League Chair - 2 Year Term
Iowa Leather Weekend Chair - 2 Year Term
Merchandise Chair - 2 Year Term
- To Qualify^- You must have attended 3 Planning Meetings since July 2021.
Capital Bears Officer and Chair Nomination Application.
Please provide your information in writing to indicate your interest in a Capital Bears position.
^Qualifications - If you have questions about the qualifications or you feel you do not meet the meeting attendance requirements for any position, please let us know in the comments or email us The bylaws allow for consideration of candidates for the Officers review.
Submit a written application requesting to be added to the ballot by the Friday January 6, 2023 11:59PM Central Time Deadline to the Chair of the 2023 Election - President, Michael Weeks.
How? (One of any method outlined below)
Submit Application Form to the right.
Email your interest to
Hand-deliver to President, Michael Weeks.
Mail for receipt to our PO Box at Capital Bears, PO Box 144, Des Moines, IA 50301 by the deadline.
If your application is received within the parameters above you will be invited to attend the Capital Bears January 2023 Planning Meeting. At this meeting you will have the opportunity to campaign for the position. The meeting will be held on January 15, 2023, 11:00 a.m. at the Des Moines Pride Center. The actual elections will be held February 12, 2023, 11:00 a.m. also at the Des Moines Pride Center
You are encouraged to review the bylaws and officer positions on this website.
Current Officers and Chairs whose terms are up for election need to submit an application if they want to run for an additional term.
We welcome all members of the Capital Bears who fully believe in the mission of the organization to run for any position based on bylaws.
Officers and Chairs are expected to fulfill the following duties during their term of office:
• Ensure their schedule will allow attendance at the majority of monthly board meetings as defined by roles in the Capital Bear Bylaws.
• Review any provided background materials provided before the meeting in preparation of meeting discussion and decision-making.
• Volunteer at Capital Bears sponsored events, service in additional capacities on committees, or fulfill other needs as they arise.
• Be an advocate for the organization.
• Take care of The Capital Bears by ensuring prudent use of all assets, including facilities, people, and good will; and provide oversight for all activities that advance the organization's effectiveness and sustainability.
• Make decisions in the best interest of the Capital Bears; not in their self-interest.
• Ensure that the Capital Bears obeys applicable laws and acts in accordance with ethical practices; that Capital Bears adheres to its stated corporate purposes, and that its activities and events advance its mission.
Thank you for your interest.
Michael Weeks
President, Capital Bears, Chair of 2023 Elections
Submit Your Application
*Required Fields
I will commit to the following by submitting this application:
Ensure that I can attend the majority of the monthly board meetings.
Prepare for discussion at meetings by reviewing agenda and reviewing any proposed discussion items.
Volunteer as as I am able to help ensure smooth operations of the organization's activities.
Prepare a brief introducation and background with the Capital Bears, other LGBTQIA+ organizations, and reason for running for selected positions.